

_As to the speech itself, the speaker first chooses a subject._ This
will depend upon the nature of the occasion and the purpose in view. He
proceeds intelligently to gather material on his selected theme,
supplementing the resources of his own mind with information from books,
periodicals, and other sources.

_The next step is to make a brief_, or outline of his subject. A brief
is composed of three parts, called the introduction, the discussion or
statement of facts, and the conclusion. Principal ideas are placed
under headings and subheadings.

_The speaker next writes out his speech in full_, using the brief as the
basis of procedure. The discipline of writing out a speech, even tho the
intention is to speak without notes, is of inestimable value. It is one
of the best indications of the speaker's thoroughness and sincerity.

When the speech has at last been carefully written out, revised, and
approved, should it be committed word for word to memory, or only in
part, or should the speaker read from the manuscript?

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The Art of Public Speaking

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